Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Ethiopia Pics

Tony and Lisa Svendsen, prepping for the week. Now they're starting the process to come on staff with e3. Here's a link to their blog. Great stuff there too.
Yogi Logsdon. Yogi had one of the most fruitful areas and the enemy knew it because he broke his fibula and was really sick for 1.5 days.
An alter to the angel Michael the Orthodox put up in the area where I worked. Men bring the rocks placed at the bottom and pray to the Archangel.
Scott Russell from Tennessee.
My disciple maker, Hymie sharing the gospel. The home is in the background.
My good friend and Sunday School teacher Scott Marks.
The animals (as you can see) share this water for drinking with the folks who live near here.
Lucy Chang and a sweet little girl near the main church we worked in.
These girls are about 11 years old. That's a bag of rocks/manure on her back. In this village, she may be married off in the next year or so.
The woman on the right received Christ two years ago. Previously, she was deep into witchcraft. She burned all her witchcraft materials and follows Christ now. The people in the village have stolen all her livestock and she suffers humilation for Christ. Despite this, she offered up this home for a new church!
Clint Blalock from Park Cities Baptist here in Dallas. He led worship for us and was an amazing blessing all week.
Natalie Sebastian adopted the culture incredibly fast. She even could lead a song in their language, Amharic.
Tadele Worku who is Ethiopian but lives in Dallas had us all come to his mother's home in Addis Ababa where they cooked this feast for us. This is his sister who arranged the great meal.
The team.
These boys were resting in the shade when we ate lunch. We called them over and shared the gospel with them. The one in the middle was a believer. The other four were from Orthodox families. All four prayed to receive Christ and the one on the far right broke down weeping as he prayed. Their families will be extremely opposed to their following Christ.
Me and Hymie.
Taxi service in my area.
Tad and his mother. While much of his family are believers, his mother is not. She is Orthodox.
Demese (Dim-eh-say) and his wife. Demese was our national leader and the man who organized everything on the ground for us.
Bekele (Bek-ehl-lee) and his wife. Bekele partnered with Demese to plan and execute our trip. Bekele is an e3 staffer in Ethiopia.
Dinner at Tad's.


At 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice photos!


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