Thursday, September 20, 2007

Adjumani II

When David relayed the Adjumani story to me, he also told me he was tired. He was going to take an extra day of rest before heading to the other side of the country to meet the U.S. team. Yesterday, he sent me this email.

When I work out of my house I remembered the speakers which we will be using at Kormachi, so I connected them and started playing Music. Then I saw one man of a middle age coming towards me while crying, he stood beside me and said I have not slept for 10 days, I don't know what has gone wrong with me. I have fear at the night and some thing told me to come to you and get saved, so I am here to accept the Lord as my personal Savior today. When I heard the Phone singing I couldn't tolerate what the Spirit was telling me to do.

I for sure prayed for him and he went back home rejoicing .

Remember Mike, I told you that I was tried of work and I decided to postpone my trip to Kapoeta to the next day, I came to realize that it was God who was planing for the new soul to come to his kingdom. I rejoice in My spirit so greatly for what the Lord is doing through the ministry. Blessed be the Lord.


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