Saturday, April 29, 2006


Two pieces from my newsletter I'm posting here:

God is using dreams to touch the hearts of Muslims. One of our national leader tells this story.

His uncle owns a small shop in Syria. In his shop he had the Evangecube opened to the panel with Jesus on the cross. (Shown here) A young Muslim girl entered his shop and saw the cube. When she saw it, she was surprised and asked about the cube. He shared with her the first panel, explaining Holy God then opened to Jesus. When he did, she began to cry.

She had a cross necklace hidden under her dress. She took it off and gave it to him as a present. He asked her, “Why are you giving me this cross?” She replied, “I had a dream so I went and bought a cross. Now I came into your shop and the picture on the cube is exactly what I saw in my dream. She wept as she talked and professed faith in Christ right away.

North Africa

In a village of a few hundred somewhere in North Africa God used a dream to complete His will. One night every single person in the village dreamed about Jesus—the exact same dream. The next day, they began to talk about the dream, and they realized the Lord has sent every one of them the same dream about Jesus. They put their trust in Christ and that day the entire village began to follow Jesus. He said, “I will build my church…” Matthew 16:18 Even if man blocks His messengers, Jesus will fulfill his promise.


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