Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Ethiopia Report

Yoseph Menna, our national leader in Ethiopia reports:

“In the first 4 months of 2006, 137,389 people heard the gospel message; 5,105 professed faith in Christ and 255 new churches were started in Ethiopia!!!”

(yes, the pic below is from Ethiopia)

Praise Report from an Ethiopian Leader:

“We conducted a campaign in Zeway and the surrounding Rural Peasant Associations. It lasted for seven days. The first two days we spent the time in prayer about all the areas we are to reach. We started the evangelism on Monday through Saturday. God has called 2307 people to hear the message of the gospel, of which 461 people accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Magnificent harvest!!!!

“There were challenges during the mission. The challenges cam from rigid Muslims as will as traditional believers who tried to protect others from hearing the message of the gospel, they themselves closing their doors….People of all ages opened their ears and hearts for the gospel….Women were also there to accept Jesus as their savior, though many of them were urging us to first tell this message to their husbands because they are under the total control of their husbands and they cannot decide on any issue in the absence of their husband. This is what they said: ‘We love to hear about the Truth to escape eternal doom, but look, we have no right to choose what we like. In case we are found following Jesus in the absence of our husbands, we face the risk of getting bitten, firing from the family, divorcing and even death. Please challenge our husbands and then you can easily reach us.’

“The evangelical churches in collaboration with the churches that participated in the mission agreed to form a team that would constantly share Jesus to the unbelievers in the town as well as the rural areas. They also accepted the mission of coaching the newcomers. Having EvangeCubes and gospel tracts in the heart language of the people we serve is a blessing.

“The awesome news about the aftermath of the campaign is the fact that evangelical churches established a usual witnessing team from all the functioning local churches in the rural areas. They have already started praying about the converts and receiving a favor from the Lord to witness to him before people with boldness.”


Menna Prayer Captain


At 11:05 AM, Blogger Mike said...


Thank you so much, how small technology makes our world!

I'd love to chat w/ you more. Shoot me an email at mike.congrove@e3partners.org


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