Monday, May 15, 2006

The Golden Ticket

Ever see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, or read the book? Perhaps you can recall that Charlie desperatly wanted a golden ticket because with that ticket he'd get a tour of the amazing Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory. Remember that through dramatic circumstances, his grandpa Joe gave critical money for Charlie to purchase a chocolate bar and in dramatic fashion, that lone, last bar held a golden ticket?What if you held those tickets in your hand instead of having them randomly placed inside chocolate bar wrappers? Not only do you hold these tickets, but you know what's inside the factory. You've worked with Willy Wonka, you've ridden a candy boat on a chocolate river, and you've seen it all.This is pretty much how it feels to be an e3 Church Planter. You're walking around with Golden Tickets, knowing what's in the factory. The tickets are short-term, church-planting trips and Willy Wonka can be either Christ or one of our national leaders in the countries we work in. Generally speaking, folks who come experience God in such a fresh, unique and powerful way that, like Charlie, they're transformed by seeing God transform others' lives.

Take a ticket.


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