Tuesday, June 27, 2006

God's Spirit Fell on Us

Tonight the Spirit of God fell on our meeting.

I’ve never experienced a cell meeting like we had tonight. First, remember that this church had no members, just a couple with nine kids and the faith to step out and plant a church in their home. Tonight we learned …. the rest of the story.

Before we came, the pastor tried to run away, but God told him to stay. He then tried to quit two or three times before we started, including the first morning when he came to pick us up at our hotel. (we knew none of this) His family had no money to support us. The host families feed us lunch and dinner every day and our family (Angel’s) could not afford to feed us and their family. The Lord took care of us, as He always does. First, the pastor’s daughter asked her boss for additional money, and he agreed. Then another family stepped up and asked to have us in their home for meals one day, than another on the second, then another on the third, and so forth. You may ask, “Why didn’t you buy them their meals?” It would be inappropriate according to my translator, and God used this situation to show His faithfulness to everyone who attended tonight’s meeting. How many attended?


From 0, God brought 70 including just under 20 adults. Then He filled the church with His Spirit. We wept, people who were strangers had tears pouring down their cheeks while telling how happy they were that Christ forgave them of their sins. Others told of returning to the Lord after being away for years. Husbands and wives had marriages strengthened. Our pastor made himself totally vulnerable and transparent and God moved in our hearts in a way I can’t describe.

Just a few days ago, our team was begging God to move. I asked you to pray on our behalf because this was a challenge unlike any I’d faced before. This pastor and church have no support and no workers. I had no idea what would happen. We’re praying God will raise helpers for them from the harvest, and tonight five or six mature Christians looking for a church to assist near their house! Our God is a faithful God who hears our prayers!

The Spirit of God is like fire. Tonight I saw what it looks like when the fire is uncontained and His Spirit runs wild in His people. I have no idea why God in His mercy allows Ali and I to be a part of this.


At 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for you guys (and the little ones) daily...I'm overwhelmed with joy (and I have to admit, for the world to see, a bit of envy) that you are being used in such a mighty way. I am in awe of God's gracious hand that has been, and will be, your guide. Blessings on you all.

At 10:49 PM, Blogger GTareasix said...

Joining God at work sees great results for His glory and our encouragement.

Praying for the team, all He has for them, the church, and the pastor. Open hearts for the community to hear the call and see the light of this God's house.


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